Nena boba

I need to have my head banged against a wall -hard- to reaccomodate some crazy and foolish notions and ideas that I have. I think that being a ñoña during most of my teenage years (through all of my teenage years, who am i kidding?!) has caused me to be a 23 year old going on 15. Seriously. I´m repeating a fucking pattern that has previously led me... you guessed it, nowhere. Ugh.


F. G. Aleman said…
Y golpear tu cabeza interrumpiria ese patron??
Cuidado, podria ser aun peor...

Cat said…
Probablemente no Fito, pero suelo meterme en patrones ridículos de conducta más de una vez... Pero todavía no me golpeé la cabeza.. capaz que sí en un acto de torpeza nomás,jeje
Xaj said…
No estès preocupada, nadie sabe nada.

Todos nos atragantamos con poco.


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